Model CEN5
Have a nitrogen problem? Concerned about nearby water sources? We have the solution.
Builders, Developers, Homeowners and Commercial Property owners who are concerned about excess nitrogen levels in their wastewater have turned to the Maine Septic Solutions CEN5 to significantly reduce harmful nitrogen levels. Properties near rivers and streams, ocean front, or sit atop aquifers supplying drinking water are especially vulnerable to excess nitrogen and our market leading CEN units are the answer.
Nitrogen Reduction: Designed to reduce total nitrogen (TN) to single digit levels, our CEN units are THE solution for water sensitive areas and the gold standard for advanced wastewater treatment.
Easy: The CEN5 is Fuji Clean’s most compact nitrogen reduction system, which can effectively treat up to 4 bedrooms of straight wastewater.
Simple: Whether replacing older poorly performing septic tanks or new developments is necessary and is typically not required.
Light & Compact: A very small footprint (7’11” x 4’1”) and weight of approximately 450 pounds makes this system highly maneuverable and adaptable to the very tightest and most difficult sites.
Low Power: Designed to accommodate variable flows and shock loadings, this low power draw (54w) low maintenance compact system is a natural choice for a single family home.
Easy, Straightforward Installation
Cost Efficient vs Other Solutions
Lower Impact on Property
Best Option for the Environment

Since 1961, Leading the World in Onsite Wastewater Treatment
Fuji Clean Co Ltd. has been engineering state of the art wastewater treatment products since 1961. Collectively, we have over 2 million of these units working flawlessly in the ground worldwide.
Combining Japanese world-class engineering with Maine’s work ethic and know how, and you get a company that is constantly striving for perfection. We carry the yankee spirit of independence, hard work, understatement, honesty, high expectations, and fairness to work every day.
What does this mean to you?
Our septic systems have proven themselves as the most reliable and most efficient advanced wastewater treatment systems in the world. We have installed our septic systems all over the state of Maine and we are proud to offer our modern wastewater treatment solutions for your residential or commercial needs.